Real-Time Wildfire Analysis
FireCast is a fully automated software service developed to provide real-time analysis of wildfire behaviour. Simulations presenting fire perimeters and a variety of statistics are completed within minutes. These quick results help support timely decision-making in response planning.

- Fuel models cover Canadian and New Zealand FBP fuel types
- Secured access available via web and mobile browsers, as well as REST API’s
- Visualizations in 2D and 3D views, with a variety of options (streets to satellite imagery)
- Perimeters and fire statistics displayed in the UI, and available via the API’s
- Interactive playback of simulations for visualization of fire growth
- Agency and user-customization of the UI for FBAN’s, Duty Officers, Meteorologists
- Agency and user-customization of a variety of simulation options
- Predictions based on GDPS, GEPS, RDPS, REPS, HRDPS, NAM, GPS, HRRR, SREF, ECMWF weather models
- Results automatically generated within minutes of new inputs
- A growing set of advanced outputs such as arrival times and critical fire paths to assets
- Archival of every fire ever modelled, for playback, post-fire analysis, and training
Learn More About FireCast
View our brochure to find out more information about how FireCast works and its capabilities.
Year 2021
Year 2022

2022 FireCast modelled fires in western North America

FireCast is powered by W.I.S.E. and thus is built upon validated software that implements the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) and Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) standards. FireCast provides results via your desktop web browser or mobile device, as well as REST API’s for your existing IT infrastructure to consume results.

FireCast clients
We’re proud to have had the opportunity to build partnerships and provide services with these agencies.